
import Portal from "@poodle/ui/Portal";

The <Portal /> component help render children into a DOM node that exists outside the current DOM hierarchy of the parent component.

The component uses ReactDOM.createPortal API to do that.

It's helpful to create a custom popup, modal...


If you are using ThemeProvider then ThemeProvider will create a default portal in the document tree (a div with an attribute data-portal="poodle-ui"). It's recommend this way because everytime you create and destroy an element in document body will force the browser repaint.

If you are not using ThemeProvider, a portal container div element with attribute data-portal="poodle-ui" will be appended to the body when mount and destroyed when unmount. You can change the element tag using prop portalElementTag and change attribute data-portal to another name by using portalDataName prop.

If you want the children mount to another element you can change it by using mountOn prop.


#Local Props

children * React.ReactNode
mountbooleanMount the children to the target when equal true
mountOnHTMLElementMount the children to the custom target rather than append to the body.
portalDataNamestringChange portal name in container data-portal attribute
portalElementTagstringChang container tag