
import IconButton from "@poodle/ui/IconButton";

IconButton is a component use for a single action. We should add aria-label to the component to help the screen reader understand what is it used for.


By the default the IconButton is round. We can change to square shape by using shapeStyle prop.

import ClearIcon from "@poodle/icons/react/Clear";
<IconButton aria-label="Clear">
<ClearIcon />
<IconButton aria-label="Clear" shapeStyle="square">
<ClearIcon />


IconButton support basic colors.

import ClearIcon from "@poodle/icons/react/Clear";
import ErrorIcon from "@poodle/icons/react/Error";
import WarnIcon from "@poodle/icons/react/Warn";
import CheckIcon from "@poodle/icons/react/Check";
<ClearIcon />
<IconButton disabled={true}>
<ClearIcon />
<IconButton colorStyle="primary">
<CheckIcon />
<IconButton colorStyle="positive">
<CheckIcon />
<IconButton colorStyle="negative">
<ErrorIcon />
<IconButton colorStyle="warn">
<WarnIcon />


Please check theming component document here.

export type IconButtonStyleKeys = "root"
export interface IconButtonThemeConfig
extends StandardThemeConfig<IconButtonStyleKeys, IconButtonProps> {}


#Local Props

hrefstringRender <a> tag instead button
shapeStyle"round" \| "square"Change component shape.

Square shape is useful to create button group.

#Full Props

export interface IconButtonProps
extends BoxProps<"button">,
LocalIconButtonProps {}