import { girdSystem } from "@poodle/system";
system support CSS Grid.
const listSystem = compose(flexSystem);export const system = createSystem(listSystem);const styles = system({theme: {spacing: {scale: "1.5rem",},},gridTemplateRows: "50px 20px",gridRowGap: "scale-2"});// Styles result// { gridTemplateRows: "50px 20px" },// { gridRowGap: "3rem" },
Prop | Type | Description |
alignContent | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.AlignContent> | The CSS align-content property |
alignSelf | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.AlignSelf> | The CSS align-self property |
gridArea | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridArea> | The CSS grid-area property |
gridAutoColumns | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridAutoColumns> | The CSS grid-auto-columns property |
gridAutoFlow | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridAutoFlow> | The CSS grid-auto-flow property |
gridAutoRows | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridAutoRows> | The CSS grid-auto-rows property |
gridColumn | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridColumn> | The CSS grid-row property |
gridColumnEnd | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridColumnEnd> | The CSS grid-column-end property |
gridColumnGap | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridColumnGap> | The CSS grid-column-gap propertySupport spacing |
gridColumnStart | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridColumnStart> | The CSS grid-column-start property |
gridGap | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridGap> | The CSS grid-gap propertySupport spacing |
gridRow | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridRow> | The CSS grid-row property |
gridRowEnd | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridRowEnd> | The CSS grid-row-end property |
gridRowGap | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridRowGap> | The CSS grid-row-gap propertySupport spacing |
gridRowStart | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridRowStart> | The CSS grid-row-start property |
gridTemplateAreas | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridTemplateAreas> | The CSS grid-template-areas property |
gridTemplateColumns | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridTemplateColumns> | The CSS grid-template-columns property |
gridTemplateRows | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.GridTemplateRows> | The CSS grid-template-rows property |
justifyContent | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.JustifyContent> | The CSS justify-content property |
justifySelf | ResponsiveProp<CSS.Property.JustifySelf> | The CSS justify-self property |